Troop/Service Unit Finances

An IMPORTANT part of troop management is having control over your troop's account.  It’s a great topic to engage the girls with! Here are the forms and info you need to keep your troop account out of the RED. Troop financials are due every JULY using the Volunteer Toolkit Finance Tab. See MANAGING TROOP FINANCES for more information. 

Troop Financial Management

Managing Your Troop Account

To manage you troop account, here's some great information:  Managing Troop Finances

Annual Troop Finance Reports are submitted annually no later than July 31st to council through the Volunteer Toolkit Finance Tab in Volunteer Systems. 

If you do not submit your financial report online before July 31st, you will be required to complete the GSHNJ Troop Financial Worksheet to Council via  

If you have questions, contact the SU Treasurer,

Disbanding/Transitioning & Graduating Troops

Please read the GSHNJ Disbanding Troop Procedure if your troop is disbanding or the Council GSHNJ Graduating Troop Procedure if your troop has graduated. 

Before a troop is disbanded or graduated money in the troop account must be fully used.  If some of the girls are continuing with another troop or as an individual registered member, a portion of the bank balance should move with them.   If there is money left and none of the girls are continuing with Girls Scouts then the balance should be turned over to the Service Unit or Council.

Disbanding/graduating paperwork and a final Troop Financial Worksheet indicating a zero bank balance to Council at

Service Unit Financial Tools

Please contact the SU Treasurer at with any questions.