
Common Troop Administrative Forms

Hillsborough Girl Scouts SU72 Photo Release Forms and Press Release Procedures

Check release form coverage dates before use, as they are normally not updated for the next Girl Scout year until September.

Girl Scouts Heart of NJ Troop Forms

Girl Scouts Heart of NJ Council Links

Health Forms

Online Support for Volunteers

Other Council Reference Materials

Disbanding/Transitioning & Graduating Troops

Please read the GSHNJ Disbanding & Transitioning Troop Procedure if your troop is disbanding or the Council GSHNJ Graduating Troop Procedure if your troop has graduated. Before a troop is disbanded or graduated money in the troop account must be fully used or if some of the girls are continuing with another troop or as an individual registered member a portion of the bank balance should move with them. Disbanding/graduating paperwork and a final Troop Financial Worksheet indicating a zero bank balance to council at