Welcome to our STEM page where you will find all things STEM!

Interested in science, robotics, math, engineering, or computers?  Then this page is for you.  Check out the links that interest you and visit often to see what's NEW in STEM!

Have new ideas or links to share?  Please email

Stay tuned for information on STEM Badge classes taught by older Hillsborough Girl Scouts later this year.

STEM Events


GSHNJ Astronomy Club

Are you a Cadette/Senior/Ambassdor interested in astronomy, the night sky, using a telescope, or talking to astronauts/other speakers?

Join the GSHNJ Astronomy Club* by emailing Roxie Zeek for more info.  

*please note this is a Council run club not Hillsborough Girl Scouts

GSHNJ Robotics Club

SheStormz is GSHNJ's First Lego® League (FLL robotics team.  Throughout the FLL Season, the team of girls in 6th - 8th grade, work together to understand the parameters of the robot challenge, brainstorm ideas, build the robot, delegate tasks to individual members, prioritize tasks, troubleshoot problems, overcome failures, and present their work to others.  

Join the GSHNJ* SheStormz Club by emailing Roxie Zeek for more info.  

*please note this is a Council run club not Hillsborough Girl Scouts

GS STEM PLEDGE: Want to know more?

Visit GSUSA's page for more info.

STEM Resources