The Outdoor Committee's only objective is to get girls outside by supporting and empowering leaders to plan and run outdoor activities with their troop, teaching outdoor skills to girls and leaders, and by hosting exciting outdoor group events that we know everyone will love. Our committee is always interested in new ideas and we welcome committee members who have a love of the outdoors! If you have outdoor hobbies or skills you want to share with the girls or if you just want to help us on our mission - let us know by emailing outdoors@borogirlscouts.org
Leaders: Want help from the Outdoors team in planning and doing a hike? C/S/A - Want to help younger troops with hiking? Contact the Outdoors Team at outdoors@borogirlscouts.org
Camporee 2025
Camporee - All levels, Troop Registrations only, May 2-4, $100/person. $30 deposit due March 7. Questions, contact camporee@borogirlscouts.org. If you are a new Leader or a returning one, all the info is provided in the documents. Be sure to check the FAQs/Packing list when it gets closer.
Scholarship information and application (our SU offers several $50 scholarships for financial need but no financial information is required)
Please note: To ensure the safety and welfare of campers and staff, possession or use of alcohol, drugs, weapons, and other contraband by campers or adult chaperones is strictly prohibited at SU72 Camporee. Any incident where a camper or adult chaperone is found in possession or use of alcohol, drugs, weapons, or other contraband will be elevated to GSHNJ following the appropriate policies and legal guidelines. At minimum, this will include dismissal from camp, when safe, ban on attending future SU72 Camporees for a minimum of 2 years and/or police involvement (if necessary). It most likely will include a lifetime ban as a Girl Scout volunteer.
NJ Girl Scout Camps
Girl Scouts offers its members access to great outdoor facilities and resources around the state that can be used by groups, families and Girl Scout troops. Here's are links to the four New Jersey Girl Scout camp websites:
Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey Girl Scout Camps https://www.gshnj.org/en/camp/our-camps.html)
Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey https://www.gsnnj.org/en/camp/summer-day-camp.html
Girl Scouts of Central and Southern New Jersey https://www.gscsnj.org/en/Camp/SeasonalCamping.html
Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore https://www.jerseyshoregirlscouts.org/en/camp/camp.html
The links below will bring you to pages and folders of information about how you can make hiking a part of your Girl Scout experience. Whether you are the leader of a troop, an IRM mentor, or a Girl Scout parent looking to be more involved - these links were put here for you! If you are not a hiker by nature - start with the resources under 'Find the Perfect Trail' and then prepare for that first walk in the woods with materials in 'Prepare for your Hike'. The level-related folders show you the various badges available to your Girl Scout and provide the Activity Lists and Outlines to complete each badge. A few notes to help you use the materials - most badges are split into 2 or more sessions and you'll see that there are activities and outlines for each but you can do them all at once if you have the time carved out. Also, most badges have multiple options to choose from for activities - you'll find ALL of the options on the activity list. Please, share your experience, your photos, and your accomplishments with the outdoor mailbox at outdoors@borogirlscouts.org. Now get out there and hit the trails!
Fall Camping
Outdoors Events Calendar
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