Looking to Volunteer?
Hillsborough Service Unit 72 Team needs your enthusiasm and new ideas as Leader and Parent volunteers for several committees to serve our GS community. Our local Troop Leaders do so much for the girls that we decided to share with Troop Parents a chance to pay it forward by taking on a role that helps assure our troops' success. Choose from seasonal, (ie. Nut or Cookie Sale Committees) partial (ie. Level Events) or full term (ie. Registrar or Treasurer) committee positions. Opportunities exist to go solo, or to transition by working with one of our current Team members - choose what works best for you.
Committee position descriptions are available for review and you can be assured that whatever you decide, you'll have reference materials to aid your committee along the way along with the support of your fellow Team members as we meet and work together throughout the year.
Team leadership is a great resume booster and allows you to build on your organizational, customer service, and communication skills in a supportive environment. You’ll get to know others in the community who share a commitment to the values of scouting, and you’ll make connections that will lead to friendships and opportunities you may never have expected – all while making a difference right here at home.
We encourage Troop Leaders to share this volunteer opportunity with all troop parents. Over the years some of the most impactful members of ‘Team’ have been active parents who wanted to be more involved. Hillsborough is a strong community with a long history of scouting excellence that cannot operate without the support of its volunteers. Be a part of that proud tradition and help your daughter and her friends get the most out of their scouting experience. You'll be surprised how much you too will benefit. Email us at: sumanager@borogirlscouts.org to express interest in learning more about Team roles for the upcoming year.